Say Cheese & Die!!

Well, certainly not a nice thing to say if you are photographer.

To rest the confusion, Say Cheesse & Die is a book/novel in the goosebumps series by RL Stine ( never heard of him?? same here :O ) . The story revolves around two kids who get a camera which when used depicts terrible events which eventually occer. Quite a premise.

No, I haven't read the book and this post is not about it either.

Remember standing in a group ready to be photographed, when we were kids ? Yes, you get the picture right. Saying Cheese, and holding on to "Saying Cheese" till the photographed clicked away was one of the most arduous and unsurmountable things to do during schooldays.

I mean, the act was so unnatural, that I always dreaded the day when the school group photographs were to be distributed. Trust me. And during the photographs, that itchy feeling to either widen it, skew it .... and God knows what ... certainly scary ...

I dont remember when i stopped "Saying Cheese", but I am happy I did and I hope I dont do that to others :)

More on saying cheese :

"By saying "cheese", most people form their mouths into what appears to be a smile-like shape. Additionally, the absurdity of saying "cheese" for no apparent reason can incite glee in some persons"


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