
No matter how much i try to bundle up the wires, tie them up, i end up unbundling them when moving the laptop from the table to the bed, or when the ups line goes offline for a while, and i have to plug the laptop charger to the more distant plug point.

So much of my real 'desktop' space being eaten away by these black ,snaky wires. And I thought having a laptop would make life easier. Somebody Help Me!!

Lake Joka

You cant miss them. Seven of them in a campus of around 150 acres. Not 'lakes' in the true sense of the word, but surely bigger than what people usually call a pond. Simply put, anything thats bigger than a pond is a Lake :)

This is the satellite image of IIMC. As u can see, there is island like patch of land surrounded by the lakes on all sides. I have a strange feeling that the island is artificial. Might be. Well, that island is the Academic Complex, er ...sorry, the lecture halls and the administrative office. So to get to the lecture halls we have to follow the roads along the lakes.

Its quite an experience, especially the nights in winters, with a light mist on the surface of the lakes. And in the summers, when the lakes are still and the lights from the library make a clear reflection, its even more enchanting.

Now the waters are green and the lakes are full. Blame the monsoons.

I showed these pictures to my friend, and she felt that the lakes looked ominous. Well, it was the time you see, 6 in the morning.

Nevertheless. Lake Joka.

~Living Room Breathe Easy !

This life at IIM Calcutta

Two years, and it will be over.

It cant get sadder, it cant get happier.

Life at IIMC has been life.

Winning is everything. Getting drunk and making your life steady. Smoking and making the vision of your life clearer. Winning.

Come to experience.

IIMC. Its all about Life.

Posted here are some pics of the 'Flash Gordon Trophy' won by my wing. Footer Volley.

The Champions- Studfarm. E300's. We.

Raining Havoc

As u might have read in the newspapers, Kolkata was flooded with a cyclone like deluge around last week. It rained, and rained and rained , and rained ... It rained so much that parts of the city were completely cutoff.

Well, lets get back to the context.

With the gift( curse ? ) of seven lakes , its not tough to imagine what would have happened to our campus. It was flooded, though not badly. Sandbags placed on puddles of water, so that we don't have to wade our way through the overflown lakes. It was pretty bad.

It was raining pretty hard, hence couldn't venture out with my cam to take the pictures. Hence these pictures , taken from the balcony. As you will notice, it doesnt rain in Calcutta , it literally Pours!!!