A Perfect Day - Part One - Getting ready for office

Traveling to office by the auto-rickshaw gave me this idea. A picture of how a perfect day would look like.

The First Act:

Waking up , feeling fresh , without being woken up by the cellphone alarm, without having to put it to snooze 4 times before you start abusing yourself - ' get off the bed, you lazy bum'.Then comes the natural transition to the 'place-that-cannot-be-named'. A perfect day demands a smooth 'passage' , perfect 'timing' and zero 'effort' during that part of the morning rites.

The next part of my usual day comes with pushing oneself below the shower with the fear of being hit by the cold spikes of pouring water. Normally , I turn on the shower, let the downpour flourish in its full glory , stretch my hand out, 'test the water(s)' and then make a plunge after a deep breath. But on a perfect day like this, I stand fearlessly below the shower, turn the tap on with defiance, face the stream with equal gusto. You may wonder why such a change, 'Its the temperature , buddy !! '.

Then comes the most arduos part of the first act. Dressing up for office. Oh, how much i hate this ! Searching for clothes to wear, ironing a clean, but crumpled shirt, spending precious five minutes trying to get my hair right, searching for the socks strewn under the bed, But on such a perfect day , i come out of the bathroom, a clean pair of ironed clothes wait for me on the bed , shoes and socks placed in a perfect possible way - right below where i sit after dressing up, and of course the hair- one touch with the comb and presto! it sets by itself.

Well, that was the first act. More to come in the next posts.

Coming Up - A Perfect Day II - Travelling to office.
